

Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x000B0040]
1 AppID


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Result code
2 u8 Signal Type

Signal Types

Type Description
0x1 Home button pressed.
0x2 Sleep-mode related?
0x3 This indicates that the system is preparing to enter sleep-mode.
0x4 Triggered when ptu:s GetShellStatus() (cmd 0x8110000) returns 5.
0x5 This indicates that the system is entering sleep-mode.
0x6 This indicates that the system is leaving sleep-mode.
0x7 Triggered by aptInitialize()/aptEnable() when SomeState != 0.
0x8 Power button pressed. Triggered by a call to aptAppletUtility() type12.
0x9 Triggered by a call to aptAppletUtility() type0.
0xA This indicates that the process should use command APT:SleepSystem.
0xB Error? Triggered by aptInitialize()/aptEnable() when SomeState == 0.

These signals are triggered regardless of whether the process using this command is currently active(like with a suspended application).