
Revision as of 19:18, 30 March 2013 by Syphurith (talk | contribs) (translation+)



漂亮干净的开发机软件和主界面菜单图片。点击查看高画质版。 - Xcution




这个应用程序在上屏显示开发机菜单的固件和版本,在TWL(DSi) NAND扇区SD卡有效时候显示剩余空间。它同样提供当前文件或者选中的设备的信息,下屏显示引导操作指南。下屏幕有三个不同的窗体,分别是:

  • Programs-用这个窗体可以从NANDSD card和slot 1 卡槽(仅仅对一部分应用程序有效,请看下方的开发机目录版本和对应范围的应用程序。)读取应用程序。程序会依照"专有ID' '产品号码'"显示。安装过的Title可以从此菜单移除。
  • Import-用这个窗体可以将编译成.CIA文件的Title安装到SD卡(在新版中为"SDMC")。
  • HIO- 这个是新版开发机目录的内容。会输出'Not found DEVMENU_ROOT'. This 'DEVMENU_ROOT' is not supposed to be on the 3DS' SDMC. (可能是需要NAND上有什么目录,或者需要从CTR调试器的SDMC卡槽加载?)
  • ExtData-用这个窗体可以删除包括所有ExtData在内的3DS的ExtData

(注意所有的零售版3DS游戏都不会被3DS开发机识别,开发机菜单会在'Programs'中显示"Unknown Card",并不会在上屏提供其他信息。)


开发机菜单版本 可用的Title类型
?- 32640 - 33437 0000(仅支持NAND),0010,8004,8005,8011
35887 0000(仅支持NAND),8004
37785 - 40909 -? 0000(NAND和SDMC),8004
?- 47586 -? 0000(NAND和SDMC),0002, 8004



Config Menu Screenshot

This application is a configuration menu for the 3DS, which has the following options:

  • Reset Settings - Resets all settings to default.
  • Hid Setting - (human interface device) Calibrates Touch-Pad and Analog stick.
  • Rtc Setting - (real time clock) Sets system time.
  • Lcd Setting - Sets display settings as found in the home menu as well as Flicker settings.
  • User Info Setting - Allows username change and "NG NAME FLAG" to be set to true or false.
In later versions of Config, "User Info Setting" also has :
  • CountryId - Changes 3DS between installed countries.
  • RegionId - Changes between the location in the selected country.
  • Other Setting(branches off into other settings) -
  • Sound Mode - mono/stereo/surround
  • System Mode - Changes Memory Allowance.
  • Prod - 64MB Memory mode (Home Menu can usually only run in this mode and most retail-looking units cannot switch out of this mode)
  • Dev1 - 96MB Memory mode
  • Dev2 - 80MB Memory mode
  • Dev3 - 72MB Memory mode
  • Dev4 - 32MB Memory mode
All CTR Debuggers/Prototype units can change memory allowance. For Developer Test Units, the ability to change Memory Allowance, appears to be dependent on an option when buying the Test Unit. (similar to having a choice to purchase IS_Nitro's Wireless/USG options when buying an IS_Nitro from Nintendo)
On some Test Units, it's possible to run the Home Menu outside of Prod. However, software with limited memory (such as the web browser) cannot be launched from the home menu if the home menu is outside of Prod.
  • Exception handler - Selects whether to enable or disable the application's handling of exceptions that arise in the non-debug environment - enable/disable
  • Break Stop - (enable/disable) - Selects whether to enable or disable stopping the application when a break is encountered in the non-debug environment. If the application is not made to stop, it quits on a break.
  • Menu - (Home Menu/Test Menu) This function edits the configuration field containing the menu TID for dev units, allowing the user to choose between the Home Menu or the Test Menu, as the menu loaded by the NS module.
  • Language - same options found in the Language section of System Settings but also has an "invalid" option
  • Dlp Force Child Import - (enable/disable) - normally the 3ds caches downloaded "Download Play (Dlp)" applications on the nand and only re-downloads, overwriting the cached copy if the version application being requested to downloaded is higher than what is currently present on the nand. Enabling this option forces the 3ds to download and overwrite the cached copy on the nand, regardless of the version of the application being downloaded. This is of course for testing purposes.
  • Debug Mode - (enable/disable) - Toggles Debug environment?
In later versions of Config, "Other Setting" also has :
  • FS Latency Emulation - Filesystem Latency, in milliseconds (0ms-2550ms). Selection is in increments of 10. (ie 0ms->10ms->20ms...)
  • Coppacs Setting - Unknown (stuck on 'not restricted')
  • Test Setting - Test calibration of touch pad and joystick
  • Eula Setting - Allows user to change "Agree Version" namely:"ff.ff" the two symbol sets are interchangeable with combination variations from aa to 99 (default is 00.00 where the Eula is not accepted yet).
  • Stereo Camera Cal for Check - Camera test (?) as options to "write strange data(excess Z-rot) and "reset to factory default".
  • Gyro / Accel Cal for Check - Allows Gyro and Accelerometer to be calibrated.
  • Ctr Info Setting - Changes settings to that found on the ctrsetting.txt on an SD .





  • 只能下载3DS的Downloadplay Title
  • 抛弃了普通Downloadplay已经建立的GUI(请看截图)
  • 可以选择最多16个的Downloadplay服务端


Network Settings

Network Settings Screenshots


This Developer application allows the users to directly modify the following from any of the three possible network setting 'slots'

  • Security Mode :(the wireless encryption the network is using) OPEN/WEP 40bit/WEP 104bit/128bit/WPA TKIP/WPA2 TKIP/WPA AES/WPA2 AES
  • SSID :(self-explanitory) maximum 32 characters
  • KEY :(the key for the encrytion is here in plain text) the maximum length depends on encryption type
  • AutoDNS :(whether the 3DS obtains the DNS automatically or not) |True-3DS obtains the DNS automatically|False-3DS uses the DNS server address provided by the user(it is possible to edit this here)|

At the bottom of the setting options there are two choices:

  • Write Setting & Connect Test To AP - Applies the settings above and performs a connection test(note any settings made in system settings for this connection, which are not present in the above settings will be nullified, for example any proxy server settings)
  • Remove Setting - removes all settings for this 'slot'


SaveDataFiler Screenshots



  • User - 这里可以将3DS应用程序和3DS游戏卡带(不是DS游戏卡带)的存档导出到SD卡。存档不能从这里删除。
  • ExtData - 这里可以将应用程序的ExtData删除,或者导出到SD卡以便之后使用。
  • SD - 这里可以将SD卡上ExtData或者应用程序的存档导入到3DS或者3DS游戏卡带中。另外也可以从SD卡删除Extdata或应用程序存档。


它会在那个路径建立一个文件夹和三个文件。导出到上方路径的两个文件是<uniqueID>.dat和<uniqueID>_.dat,另有一个名为/<uniqueID>/的目录,内有<ExHeader Name>.dat文件。






CecLotcheckTool Screenshot


这个应用程序可以为最多12个3DS应用程序管理CECs(随机遭遇通讯,也就是StreetPass)。应用程序有12个可能的插槽,可以存入"盒子(BOXes)"。盒子是为允许用户使用CECs的应用程序单独提供的,比如StreetPass Mii Plaza或者Nintendo 3DS Sound。因而,这个应用程序的盒子,和'系统设置'中的'StreetPass管理'是对应的(StreetPass管理可以在零售版3DS上使用)。该应用程序的功能有:

  • <Y> BOX Options - 会打开一个子目录有以下选项(当悬停在Nintendo 3DS Sound的盒子,也就是我当前唯一可以测试应用程序的位置):
  • Box Info - 给出发件箱参数  

  • Message Info (OUT-BOX) - 给出当前盒子的消息参数  

  • Dummy Message Settings - 还真不太清楚这个选项干什么(空信息设置?)  

  • <A> Create Dummy BOXes - 建立空盒子,用于填充没使用的插槽,但是不会覆盖当前的任何盒子。
  • <X> Delete BOXes - 从插槽中删除所有的盒子。
  • <START> CEC Filter Reset - 我只能猜到这个估计是用于清除启用CEC的应用程序的数据的。


BossLotCheckTool Screenshot


This application is used to manage BOSS (SpotPass) tasks/data for 3DS titles which utilise BOSS communications. 'Pokedex' is an application which utilizes BOSS comunications. This application also displays the 3DS's friend code, although this code is not to be confused with the 3DS's Friend Card code found in 'Friends List'. The user can browse by unique ID the 3DS titles(excluding system titles) registered to use BOSS. For each title you can view details about the downloaded 'NsData' which accompanies BOSS downloads, view the BOSS task lists (implies applications can perform more than one BOSS task). You can also view various details about each BOSS task, including:

TaskStatus : DONE?
TaskExecCount : How many times the BOSS task has been executed
TaskExecInterval : Period of time (in seconds) in the task is to be executed, in intervals
TaskPriority : Is a number value 
URL : The URL to the BOSS content
AP Info : NONE?
TaskResultCode : Success or not
HTTP_StatusCode : Self explanatory 
DataSize : Size of Content (in bytes)
Last_Modified : Last time the BOSS content (on server) was modified
StartTime : when the BOSS task was registered
OptOut : Whether the user can/has opted out of BOSS communication for this task

It also possible to manually execute the BOSS task from here

Stereo Camera Calibrator

Stereo Camera Calibrator Screenshot


The Stereo Camera Calibrator (SCC), in a nutshell, allows the user to adjust the configuration of the outer cameras in relation to each other. It can be configured automatically by positioning the 3DS a set distance away from a special chart. It can also be configured manually, by setting the rotation of each camera image and the size of the right eye camera. The 3D effect can be perceived by superimposing the right eye camera image translucently with the left eye camera image or by viewing the 3D image directly by use of the parallax barrier in the 3DS Screen.





Friend Testing Partner

Friend Testing Partner Screenshot


The Friend Testing Partner application is used to test/monitor the 3DS's Friend List function. It allows the user to test various functions of the 3DS's out-going Friend Card, by giving the following options:

  • Master Control - (RUN/STOP) (STOP is the default setting) when ‘STOP’ is selected the 3DS Friend Card uses the user’s settings/data. When ‘RUN’ is selected the 3DS Friend Card uses the dummy settings/data chosen to test from the settings bellow.
  • Login/Logout - (ON/OFF) (ON is the default setting) What effect this has on the Friend Card is not known
  • Playing Title - (ON/OFF) (ON is the default setting) When ‘ON’ is selected the currently used title is ignored and a dummy applications are cycled through as the ‘Playing Title’ approximately every ten seconds in its place. The dummy applications used are the applications found in Firmware version 1.0.0-0 of a retail 3DS including the ‘Nintendo Zone viewer’ app. When ‘OFF’ is selected the currently used title (which is the Friend Testing Partner app) is used as the ‘Playing Title’
  • Mode Description - (ON/OFF) (ON is the default setting) When ‘ON’ is selected the Software in Use(Playing Title) is accompanied by the Date and Time found on that user’s 3DS. The Mode Description is refreshed every ten or so seconds. When ‘OFF’ is selected the date and time on the user’s 3DS is not displayed.
  • Message - (ON/OFF) (ON is the default setting) When ‘ON’ is selected the message made by the user is replaced(not overwritten as it reverts back to the user’s choice when this is ‘OFF’) by the current date and time in the format “YYYYMMDD HHMMSS”, this is refreshed every ten or so seconds.
  • Mii - (ON/OFF) (ON is the default setting) When 'ON' the currently used Mii is replaced with one of 4 dummy Miis and cycles them through every ten seconds with a new dummy mii. This effect can only be seen from another 3DS not the host
  • Favorite Title (ON/OFF) (ON is the default setting) When 'ON' is selected, the user’s favorite title is replaced with a dummy, which is replaced every 10 or so seconds.

Also this application allows the user to monitor the whether the 3DS is online or not and whether the 3DS’s Friend Presence is online or offline. Every time a dummy setting is refreshed it is displayed on the top screen with a time stamp.





  • LEFT/RIGHT - 用十字键只能更改所需的目标金币数量,从0到300。
  • A - 设置'当前数量'(也就是系统有多少游戏金币),便于测试用户设置的游戏金币'目标数量'。
  • L+R+X - "今天不再增加"("Preclude today's Increment")不知道这到底怎么影响到游戏金币数量的。


以下是用于DSi/DS模式的开发工具,能为安装到TWL NAND打包为CIA


WMtest Screenshot


This application is a TWL(DSi) application compiled for use on the 3DS. It is an wireless test tool with its uses explained below:

  • Scan Test - Scans Wireless channels 1-13(can be focused on one specific channel) for broadcasting stations. It can detect two types of broadcasting stations:

Wifi Access Points - Giving the Mac Address, Broadcasting Channel, 'c', and the SSID

DS Stations such as DS Download stations and Pokemon distributors - Giving the Mac Address, Brodcasting Channel, TGID and GGID

  • ScanEx Test - and has two Scan Types. Passive which lets you individually scan channels 1-13 (only one at at time) and the DS distribution channels (1,7,13 all at once). And Active which scans all 13 channels at once. when it finds a channel it prints on the bottom screen next to 'Found' 'bssDescCount='
  • MeasureChannel Test - not quite sure what this does but it for a given channel it gives a ratio(in percentage form), which it finds in its allocated test time ranging from 10ms to 1000ms. And for every interval of time which is specified, it tests and gives a ratio.
  • Noise Mode - Seeks wireless channels in which to make wireless noise (This is not made very clear on the app). You can specify the:

Channel where the scanner will seek to make noise

Noise Rate, ranging from 0% to 100%

Frequency, ranging from 10ms to 50ms

Seek Mode, ranging from 1000ms to 1500ms

When the settings are chosen the top screen has two counters which display 'Noise ON count' and 'Noise OFF count' the counters are affected by the noise rate. Starting at 0% the 'Noise ON count' does not change but as the Noise rate gets closer to 100% the count moves and gets faster as Noise rate reaches 100%. For 'Noise OFF count' it is the exact opposite to the ' Noise ON count' in regards to counting.

* 这里使用了一个替代图标换掉了原来应用程序使用的一般图标,以免和其他应用程序混淆。原来的一般图标可以在图标的History页面查看。