GPU/External Registers


  • 0x1EF00400 is the top screen
  • 0x1EF00500 is the bottom screen

Init Values from nngxInitialize for Top Screen

  • 0x1EF00400 = 0x1C2
  • 0x1EF00404 = 0xD1
  • 0x1EF00408 = 0x1C1
  • 0x1EF0040C = 0x1C1
  • 0x1EF00410 = 0
  • 0x1EF00414 = 0xCF
  • 0x1EF00418 = 0xD1
  • 0x1EF0041C = 0x1C501C1
  • 0x1EF00420 = 0x10000
  • 0x1EF00424 = 0x19D
  • 0x1EF00428 = 2
  • 0x1EF0042C = 0x1C2
  • 0x1EF00430 = 0x1C2
  • 0x1EF00434 = 0x1C2
  • 0x1EF00438 = 1
  • 0x1EF0043C = 2
  • 0x1EF00440 = 0x1960192
  • 0x1EF00444 = 0
  • 0x1EF00448 = 0
  • 0x1EF0045C = 0x19000F0
  • 0x1EF00460 = 0x1c100d1
  • 0x1EF00464 = 0x1920002
  • 0x1EF00470 = 0x80340
  • 0x1EF0049C = 0

More Init Values from nngxInitialize for Top Screen

  • 0x1EF00468 = 0x18300000, later changed by GSP module when updating state, framebuffer
  • 0x1EF0046C = 0x18300000, later changed by GSP module when updating state, framebuffer
  • 0x1EF00494 = 0x18300000
  • 0x1EF00498 = 0x18300000
  • 0x1EF00478 = 1, doesn't stay 1, read as 0
  • 0x1EF00474 = 0x10501

This register controls how the LCD framebuffer is displayed.


Register address Description
0x1EF018E0 Buffer Size>>3
0x1EF018E8 Buffer physical address>>3
0x1EF018F0 Writing value 1 here triggers GPU processing for the specified buffer

These 3 registers are used by GX command 1.


Register address Description
0x1EF000X0 Buffer physical address>>3
0x1EF000X4 Associated buffer physical address>>3
0x1EF000X8 Buffer size
0x1EF000XC The low u16 for this register is overwritten by the GX command u16 parameter

These registers are used by GX command 2. 0x1EF00010 is used for the GX command buf0 parameters, while 0x1EF00020 is used for the GX command buf1 parameters.


Register address Description
0x1EF00C00 VRAM framebuffer physical address>>3
0x1EF00C04 Output framebuffer physical address>>3
0x1EF00C08 Output framebuffer dimensions, used with cmd3
0x1EF00C0C VRAM framebuffer dimensions, used with cmd3
0x1EF00C10 Unknown, used with cmd3 and cmd4
0x1EF00C14 GSP module writes value 0 here prior to writing to 0x1EF00C18, for cmd3
0x1EF00C18 Writing value 1 here triggers GPU processing for the specified buffers
0x1EF00C20 Unknown, used with cmd4
0x1EF00C24 Unknown, used with cmd4
0x1EF00C28 Unknown, used with cmd4

These registers are used by GX command 3 and 4. For cmd4, *0x1EF00C18 |= 1 is used instead of just writing value 1.