
Revision as of 08:58, 27 December 2012 by Yellows8 (talk | contribs)

class KCodeSet extends KAutoObject;

Offset Type Description
0x0 u32 Pointer to vtable
0x4 u32 Reference count
0x8 Struct size is 0x14 Memory section info for .text
0x1C Struct size is 0x14 Memory section info for .rodata
0x30 Struct size is 0x14 Memory section info for .data
0x44 u32 Total .text pages
0x48 u32 Total .rodata pages
0x4C u32 Total RW pages (.bss + .data)
0x50 u64 Process name as 8-byte string
0x5A u16 ?
0x5C u64 Program ID