
Revision as of 05:52, 11 October 2015 by Bond697 (talk | contribs)

class KResourceLimit extends KAutoObject;

Size : 0x74 bytes

Offset Type Description
0x0 u32 Pointer to vtable
0x4 u32 Reference count
0x8 s32 Max Priority
0xC s32 Max commit
0x10 s32 Max thread
0x14 s32 Max event
0x18 s32 Max mutex
0x1C s32 Max semaphore
0x20 s32 Max timer
0x24 s32 Max shared memory
0x28 s32 Max address arbiter
0x2C s32 Max CPU time
0x30 s32 Current Priority
0x34 s32 Current commit
0x38 s32 Current thread
0x3C s32 Current event
0x40 s32 Current mutex
0x44 s32 Current semaphore
0x48 s32 Current timer
0x4C s32 Current shared memory
0x50 s32 Current address arbiter
0x54 s32 Current CPU time
0x58 KThread* Thread operating on the KResourceLimit object
0x5C u16 Unknown
0x5E u16 Unknown
0x60 u32 Unknown
0x64 u32 Unknown
0x68 u32 Unknown
0x6C u32 Unknown

There are 4 KResourceLimit objects created on the kernel heap. Each is used for a different category specified by the exheader's resource limit category specifier in the exheader ARM11 Local System Capabilities.