

Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x001D0042]
1 Size, normally 0x11C.
2 (Size<<4) | 12
3 Output data ptr


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Resultcode


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Type: "MJPEG" = 0x00010001, H264 = 0x00020001.
0x0C 0x4 Video width.
0x10 0x4 Video height.
0x14 0x4 Input data physical address, only set for "MJPEG".
0x40 0x4 0x0 for "MJPEG", 0x1 for H.264.
0x4C 0x4 Video height, only set for H.264.
0x50 0x4 Video width, only set for H.264.
0x5C 0x4 Video width.
0x60 0x4 Video height.
0x64 0x4 Output data physical address.
0x68 0x4 Output data physical address, only set for "MJPEG".

See here regarding "MJPEG".

The size of this structure is fixed to 0x11C-bytes. The user process does the LINEAR-mem vaddr->physaddr conversion for the above physaddrs, when modifying the config struct before using MVDSTD:SetConfig.


For this command, MVD module DMAs 0x11C-bytes from a MVD state structure to the above output buffer.