Difference between revisions of "ACTU:AcquireEulaLanguageList"

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(Created page with "=Request= {{IPC/Request}} {{IPC/RequestHeader|0x001F|1|2}} {{IPC/RequestEntry|u8, Country code}} {{IPC/CopyHandle|1}} {{IPC/CopyHandleEntry|Com...")
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Requests a list of languages the Nintendo Network EULA is available in for the specified country.
Requests a list of languages the Nintendo Network EULA is available in for the specified country.
The resulting data will be in the format of a [[ACT_Services#EulaHeader|EulaList]] structure, with each entry header having all offsets zeroed out except for the LanguageName offset.

Latest revision as of 15:14, 7 March 2025


Index Word Description
Header 0x001F0042 Cmd 0x001F Param 1 Xlat 2
1 u8, Country code
2 Descriptor for copying 1 handle
3 Completion event handle


Index Word Description
Header 0x001F0040 Cmd 0x001F Param 1 Xlat 0
1 Result code


Requests a list of languages the Nintendo Network EULA is available in for the specified country.

The resulting data will be in the format of a EulaList structure, with each entry header having all offsets zeroed out except for the LanguageName offset.