Difference between revisions of "FRDU:RequestGameAuthentication"

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{{IPC/RequestEntry|Completion event handle}}
{{IPC/CopyHandleEntry|Completion event handle}}

Latest revision as of 14:42, 18 December 2024


Index Word Description
Header 0x00280244 Cmd 0x0028 Param 9 Xlat 4
1 NEX Server ID
2-7 UTF-16 ingamesn value for NASC requests, see Online Play
8 u8, Major SDK version
9 u8, Minor SDK version
10 Descriptor for process ID
11 Placeholder for process ID
12 Descriptor for copying 1 handle
13 Completion event handle


Index Word Description
Header 0x00280040 Cmd 0x0028 Param 1 Xlat 0
1 Result code


Requests NEX authentication data for game servers.

To request authentication data, the friends module sends a NASC LOGIN-type HTTP request using the given information (see Online Play for more details).

Once the completion handle has been signaled, the client can use FRDU:GetGameAuthenticationData to retrieve the data received from the server.