Difference between revisions of "Online Play"

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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|returncd||MDAx||001||001 for success. 119 if there is an update required
|token|| || || Token for authentication on the game server. This token cannot be verified by the Nintendo 3DS
|token|| || || Token for authentication on the game server. This token cannot be verified by the Nintendo 3DS
If there is an error (returncd is not 001) no locator and token is send
==Game Server Informations==
{| class="wikitable"
! Game !! build name
|Kid Icarus Uprising||branch:akd_server build:2_25_10595_1
|Mario Kart 7||branch:origin/project/appsp build:3_4_17_3
|Pokemon X/Y OR/AS||branch:origin/project/appsg build:3_3_15_6_0
|Metroid Prime Federation Force||branch:origin/release/ngs/3.9.x.200x build:3_9_21_2005_0
|Luigi's Mansion 2||branch:origin/release/ngs/3.4.x.3 build:3_4_16_3_0
|The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes||branch:origin/release/ngs/3.9.x.200x build:3_9_21_2005_0
|Pokemon Bank||branch:origin/project/ctr-jtta build:3_4_13_16_0
|Nintendo Badge Arcade||branch:origin/project/ctr-jwv build:3_7_16_2006_0
|Pokemon Sun/Moon US/UM||branch:origin/project/ctr-a2a build:3_10_23_3112_0

Latest revision as of 13:53, 5 January 2024

Online Play is a functionality of the Nintendo 3DS to play games online with other people.


First a connection to nasc.nintendowifi.net is established and the resource /ac is requested with the POST method to get the actual address of the game server and a ticket for authentication on the game server.
A typical request to nasc.nintendowifi.net/ac has this format:


POST https://nasc.nintendowifi.net/ac HTTP/1.1
Host: nasc.nintendowifi.net
X-GameId: 00003200
User-Agent: CTR FPD/000F
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 841


gameid=MDAwMDMyMDA%2A&sdkver=MDAwMDAw&titleid=MDAwNDAxMzAwMDAwMzIwMg%2A%2A&gamecd=LS0tLQ%2A%2A&gamever=MDAxNA%2A%2A&mediatype=MA%2A%2A&makercd=MDA%2A&unitcd=Mg%2A%2A&macadr=MTEyMjMzNDQ1NTY2&bssid=MTEyMjMzYWFiYmNj&apinfo=MDQ6MDAwMDAwMDAwMA%2A%2A&fcdcert=<base64 encoded fcdcert>&devname=<base64 encoded name of the console (utf-16)>&servertype=TDE%2A&fpdver=MDAwRg%2A%2A&devtime=MjEwMTAxMjAyNjAx&lang=MDE%2A&region=MDI%2A&csnum=<base64 encoded serial number of the 3DS system wihtout check number>&uidhmac=<base64 encoded of ?>&userid=<base64 encoded Nex [[Principal ID]]>&action=TE9HSU4%2A&ingamesn=
Key Value Value decoded Notes
gameid MDAwMDMyMDA* 00003200
sdkver MDAwMDAw 000000
titleid MDAwNDAxMzAwMDAwMzIwMg** 0004013000003202
gamecd LS0tLQ** ----
gamever MDAxNA** 0014
mediatype MA** 0
makercd MDA* 00
unitcd Mg** 2
macadr MTEyMjMzNDQ1NTY2 112233445566 MAC address of the console. Only the digits
bssid MTEyMjMzYWFiYmNj 112233aabbcc
apinfo MDQ6MDAwMDAwMDAwMA** 04:0000000000
devname Name of the console in UTF-16
servertype TDE* L1
fpdver MDAwRg** 000F
devtime MjEwMTAxMDkyMDMx 210101092031
lang MDE* 01
region MDE* 01
csnum Q0VGMTIzNDU2Nzg* CEF12345678 Serial number of the device without the check digit
uidhmac MGFmODZmYmQ* 0af86fbd
userid MTIzNDU2Nzg5MA** 1234567890 Nex Principal ID
action TE9HSU4* LOGIN
ingamesn empty empty

Typical response to the above request:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
NODE: pd42wfiap02
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 252
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 2021 09:20:55 GMT
Server: Nintendo Wii (http)


locator=MzQuMjExLjIzNS4xMzU6NjAwMDA*&retry=MA**&returncd=MDAx&token=<Token for authentication on the game server>&datetime=MjAyMTAxMDEwOTIwNTU*
Key Value Value decoded Notes
locator MzQuMjExLjIzNS4xMzU6NjAwMDA* IP address and port of the game server
retry MA** 0
returncd MDAx 001 001 for success. 119 if there is an update required
token Token for authentication on the game server. This token cannot be verified by the Nintendo 3DS
datetime MjAyMTAxMDEwOTIwNTU* 20210101092055

If there is an error (returncd is not 001) no locator and token is send

Game Server InformationsEdit

Game build name
Kid Icarus Uprising branch:akd_server build:2_25_10595_1
Mario Kart 7 branch:origin/project/appsp build:3_4_17_3
Pokemon X/Y OR/AS branch:origin/project/appsg build:3_3_15_6_0
Metroid Prime Federation Force branch:origin/release/ngs/3.9.x.200x build:3_9_21_2005_0
Luigi's Mansion 2 branch:origin/release/ngs/3.4.x.3 build:3_4_16_3_0
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes branch:origin/release/ngs/3.9.x.200x build:3_9_21_2005_0
Pokemon Bank branch:origin/project/ctr-jtta build:3_4_13_16_0
Nintendo Badge Arcade branch:origin/project/ctr-jwv build:3_7_16_2006_0
Pokemon Sun/Moon US/UM branch:origin/project/ctr-a2a build:3_10_23_3112_0