Difference between revisions of "ACTU:AcquirePrincipalIdByAccountId"

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(Created page with "=Request= {{IPC/Request}} {{IPC/RequestHeader|0x0018|1|4}} {{IPC/RequestEntry|Input account ID buffer size (count * (0x10 + 1), each being max. 16 characters ASCII + NULL term...")
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Revision as of 16:50, 20 January 2025


Index Word Description
Header 0x00180044 Cmd 0x0018 Param 1 Xlat 4
1 Input account ID buffer size (count * (0x10 + 1), each being max. 16 characters ASCII + NULL terminator, total max size 0x800)
2 Descriptor for copying 1 handle
3 Completion event handle
4 Descriptor for static buffer (id 0)
5 Input account ID buffer pointer (max total size 0x800)


Index Word Description
Header 0x00180040 Cmd 0x0018 Param 1 Xlat 0


Requests principal IDs corresponding to the given account IDs (Nintendo Network ID usernames).