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Credit goes to User:Wwylele.
<span id="cec-system-save-00010026-format"></span>
== CEC System Save (00010026) Format ==

<pre>Folder and files `CecDataPathType`
├── eventlog.dat
└── CEC 10
├── MacFilter___
├── MBoxList____ 1
├── &lt;8-digit ID&gt; 11
│ ├── MBoxInfo____ 2
│ ├── MBoxData.001 101
│ ├── MBoxData.010 110
│ ├── MBoxData.050 150
│ ├── MBoxData.&lt;3-digit number&gt; 100 + &lt;number&gt;
│ ├── ...
│ ├── InBox___ 12
│ │ ├── BoxInfo_____ 3
│ │ ├── _&lt;12-char ID&gt; 6
│ │ └── ...
│ └── OutBox__ 13
│ ├── BoxInfo_____ 4
│ ├── OBIndex_____ 5
│ ├── _&lt;12-char ID&gt; 7
│ └── ...
├── &lt;8-digit ID&gt;
<span id="file-mboxlist____"></span>
=== File <code>MBoxList____</code> ===

! Offset
! Length
! Description
| 0x00
| 2
| Magic 0x6868
| 0x02
| 2
| Padding
| 0x04
| 4
| Version? always 1
| 0x08
| 4
| Number of boxes
| 0x0C
| 16 * 24
| List of box name

Each box name is 16-char long. However, due to the fact that box name is usually a 8-digit ID, the rest of 8 chars are always null characters. Unused box names are filled with null characters.

<span id="file-mboxinfo____"></span>
=== File <code>MBoxInfo____</code> ===

! Offset
! Length
! Description
| 0x00
| 2
| Magic 0x6363
| 0x02
| 2
| Padding
| 0x04
| 4
| Title ID (matches the box directory name)
| 0x08
| 4
| Private ID?
| 0x0C
| 1
| Flags?
| 0x0D
| 1
| Flags?
| 0x0E
| 2
| Padding
| 0x10
| 32
| HMAC Key
| 0x30
| 4
| Zero?
| 0x34
| 12
| Timestamp when last accessed
| 0x40
| 1
| Flag?
| 0x41
| 1
| Flag?
| 0x42
| 1
| Flag?
| 0x43
| 1
| Flag?
| 0x44
| 12
| Timestamp when last received
| 0x50
| 16
| Zero?

Note: - <code>Private ID</code> seems to be a number chosen by application arbitrarily, possibly for verification. Magic numbers such as 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xAABBCCDD and other random numbers have been observed here.

<span id="file-mboxdata.3-digit-number"></span>
=== File <code>MBoxData.&lt;3-digit number&gt;</code> ===

<span id="file-mboxdata.001"></span>
==== File <code>MBoxData.001</code> ====


<span id="file-mboxdata.010"></span>
==== File <code>MBoxData.010</code> ====

This is the game title in null-terminated UTF-16 string.

<span id="file-mboxdata.050"></span>
==== File <code>MBoxData.050</code> ====

This is 8-byte file containing the title ID.

<span id="file-boxinfo_____"></span>
=== File <code>BoxInfo_____</code> ===

This file consists of a 0x20-byte header, and an array of 0x70-byte entry. Each entry is a copy of the message header. See the next section for the message header format. The box info header format is

! Offset
! Length
! Description
| 0x00
| 2
| Magic 0x6262
| 0x02
| 2
| Padding
| 0x04
| 4
| Size of this file
| 0x08
| 4
| Maximum box size
| 0x0C
| 4
| Current box size
| 0x10
| 4
| Maximum message count
| 0x14
| 4
| Current message count / the size of the following array
| 0x18
| 4
| Maximum batch size
| 0x1C
| 4
| Maximum message size

<span id="file-_12-char-id"></span>
=== File <code>_&lt;12-char ID&gt;</code> ===

Each such file is a message. The ID in the file name is the message ID encoded in base-64. A message file consists of a 0x70-byte header, several extra header, a message body, and a 0x20-byte HMAC(?).

The header format is

! Offset
! Length
! Description
| 0x00
| 2
| Magic 0x6060
| 0x02
| 2
| Padding
| 0x04
| 4
| Message size
| 0x08
| 4
| Header + extra headers size
| 0x0C
| 4
| Body size
| 0x10
| 4
| Title ID
| 0x14
| 4
| Title ID 2?
| 0x18
| 4
| Batch ID
| 0x1C
| 4
| ? ID
| 0x20
| 8
| Message ID
| 0x28
| 4
| Message version?
| 0x2C
| 8
| Message ID 2?
| 0x34
| 1
| Flags
| 0x35
| 1
| Send method
| 0x36
| 1
| Is unopen
| 0x37
| 1
| Is new
| 0x38
| 8
| Sender ID
| 0x40
| 8
| Sender ID 2?
| 0x48
| 12
| Timestamp when sent
| 0x54
| 12
| Timestamp when received
| 0x60
| 12
| Timestamp when created
| 0x6C
| 1
| Send count
| 0x6D
| 1
| Forward count
| 0x6E
| 2
| User data

Each extra header has a format of

! Offset
! Length
! Description
| 0x00
| 4
| Header type
| 0x04
| 4
| Data size
| 0x08
| Data size
| Header data

The header type can be one of the follows:

! Value
! Description
| 1
| ?
| 2
| Icon
| 3
| Game name
| 4
| Info text
| 5
| Region?


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