NIM Services

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Revision as of 18:56, 4 March 2023 by Luigoalma (talk | contribs) (Correction of result error values, swapped myself accidentally while taking note of results)
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NIM updater service "nim:u"

Command Header Description
0x00010000 StartNetworkUpdate
0x00020000 GetProgress
0x00030000 Cancel
0x00040000 CommitSystemTitles
0x00050000 GetBackgroundEventForMenu
0x00060000 GetBackgroundEventForNews
0x00070000 FormatSaveData
0x00080000 GetCustomerSupportCode
0x00090000 IsCommittableAllSystemTitles
0x000A0000 GetBackgroundProgress
0x000B0000 GetSavedHash
0x000C0082 UnregisterTask
0x000D0080 IsRegistered
0x000E0080 FindTaskInfo
0x000F0042 GetTaskInfos
0x00100000 DeleteUnmanagedContexts
0x00110000 UpdateAutoTitleDownloadTasksAsync
0x00120000 StartPendingAutoTitleDownloadTasksAsync
0x00130000 GetAsyncResult
0x00140000 CancelAsyncCall
0x00150000 IsPendingAutoTitleDownloadTasks
0x00160000 GetNumAutoTitleDownloadTasks
0x00170042 GetAutoTitleDownloadTaskInfos
0x00180080 CancelAutoTitleDownloadTask
0x00190002 SetAutoDbgDat
0x001A0002 GetAutoDbgDat
0x001B0042 SetDbgTasks
0x001C0042 GetDbgTasks
0x001D0000 DeleteDbgData
0x001E0042 SetTslXml
0x001F0000 GetTslXmlSize
0x00200042 GetTslXml
0x00210000 DeleteTslXml
0x00220042 SetDtlXml
0x00230000 GetDtlXmlSize
0x00240042 GetDtlXml
0x00250000 UpdateAccountStatus
0x00260180 StartTitleDownload
0x00270000 StopTitleDownload
0x00280000 GetTitleDownloadProgress
0x00290246 RegisterTask
0x002A0000 IsSystemUpdateAvailable
0x002B0000 ? (Response: 0 = 0x002B0040, 1 = Result Code)
0x002C0000 UpdateTickets
0x002D00C0 DownloadTitleSeedAsync
0x002E0000 DownloadMissingTitleSeedsAsync

NIM server service "nim:s"

Command Header Description
0x00010200 StartDownloadSimple
0x00020000 CancelDownload
0x00030000 GetProgress
0x00050082 UnregisterTask
0x00060080 IsTaskRegistered
0x000A0000 CheckSysupdateAvailableSOAP
0x000B0084 SetAttribute
0x0016020A ListTitles
0x00220080 AccountDeleteTitleETicketsSOAP. The SOAP request is sent only after the ticket for the specified titleID has been successfully deleted.
0x00290000 AccountCheckBalanceSOAP
0x002D0042 DownloadTickets
0x003C0002 RegisterSelf
0x003F0000 GetInitializeResult. Checks whether nim is properly initialized or not. If it is not, the result code returned is non-zero.
0x00420240 StartDownload
0x00550246 RegisterTask
0x00570082 ConnectNoTicketDownload

NIM server service "nim:aoc"

Command Header Description
0x00030042 SetApplicationId
0x00040042 SetTin
0x000902D0 ListContentSetsEx
0x00180000 GetBalance
0x001D0000 GetCustomerSupportCode
0x00210000 Initialize
0x00240282 CalculateContentsRequiredSize
0x00250000 RefreshServerTime

NIM service "nim:ndm"

kagiya server

The nim system module communicates with a server called kagiya ( or for development units). It provides the 9.6 crypto seed in binary form for any given title ID under (HTTPS), where %16llx is the title ID and %s is a country code as used in the eShop.


NIM module only uses CheckNew3DS for determining what heap sizes to use, in two functions. One is for the size of the 0x08000000 vmem heap, the other is probably for some buffer allocated on that heap. The New3DS version of these sizes are 0x1C000-bytes larger than the Old3DS sizes here.

HTTPS requests

Trusted RootCAs

During startup NIM-module creates two RootCertChains with HTTPC. Both of these only contain the same default cert with ID 0x3. The first RootCertChain is used with NetUpdateSOAP. Requests such as the "notifications.json" page don't use these RootCertChains(in this case just default certID 0xB is used).



There are exactly 3 types of network SOAP requests used with NetUpdateSOAP by NIM module, described below. This URL contained in NIM module itself is only used with GetSystemTitleHash. The other requests use an identical URL loaded from an ECommerceSOAP response instead.

See also here.


Returns the current sysupdate title-listing. This also contains the SystemTitleHash returned by GetSystemTitleHash.


Returns the current SystemTitleHash for the current sysupdate title-listing.


Returns the Base64-encoded cetk for each specified TitleId entry.

This is only used when installing new titles. This means with CDN system-updates, tickets are never installed except when a title is being installed for the first time. For example, a system on the latest system-version that was only ever updated via CDN has the same NATIVE_FIRM ticket installed from the factory.

Sysupdate checking process

This section describes the process used when checking whether a sysupdate is required.

First the GetSystemTitleHash SOAP request is done. Then the SystemTitleHash in savedata hash.dat is compared with the received one. If they match and the SystemTitleHash flag is set to value 0x03, it will immediately return that no sysupdate is required. Otherwise it will start the GetSystemUpdate SOAP request handling.

The GetSystemUpdate SOAP request contains a titlelist of all NAND system-titles. For GetSystemUpdate response parsing, it compares each SOAP title_entry with the NAND system titlelist. If a SOAP titleID isn't found in the NAND titlelist, this means NAND is missing a new title and hence a sysupdate is required for installing that title. If a NAND title_entry-version is less than the SOAP title_entry-version, this means the title needs updated and hence a sysupdate is required.

At least one <TitleVersion> entry with valid data in the GetSystemUpdate response is required.

The titleIDs sent in the GetSystemUpdate SOAP request are decimal, while the titleIDs in the response are hex.

NIM System_SaveData


Offset Size Description
0x60 0x1 u8 flag used with the SystemTitleHash. 0x01 = latest sysupdate isn't installed as of last SOAP requests, 0x03 = latest sysupdate is installed as of last SOAP requests.
0x61 0x21 ASCII hex SystemTitleHash, including NUL-terminator. This is the latest SystemTitleHash which NIM module received from SOAP.



Offset Length Description
0x00 0x01 System Update State
0x01 0x03 Padding
0x04 0x04 Last Operation Result Code
0x08 0x08 Current Title Downloaded Bytes
0x10 0x08 Current Title Total Bytes
0x18 0x08 Titles Downloaded
0x20 0x08 Titles Total


Value Description
0 Not Initialized
1 Starting System Update
2 Fetching System Hash and Account Status
3 Installing New Tickets
4 Installing Titles
5 Update Complete
6 Failed - System Updates Disabled (Dev Units Only)
7 ? (Only for background updates)
8 ? (Only for background updates)


Offset Length Description
0x00 0x01 Title Download State
0x01 0x03 Padding
0x04 0x04 Last Operation Result Code
0x08 0x08 Downloaded Bytes
0x10 0x08 Total Bytes


Value Description
0 Not Initialized
1 Starting Title Download
2 Downloading and Installing TMD
3 Committing TMD
4 Downloading and Installing Contents
5 Contents Installed
6 Committing Titles
7 Finished
8 ? (Unknown error regarding title version?)
9 ? (Creating the .ctx file (or error doing so)?)
10 Background Download Failed


Offset Length Description
0x00 0x08 Title ID
0x08 0x04 Title version
0x0C 0x04 Unknown (always 0?)
0x10 0x01 Age Rating (for HOME Menu parental controls)
0x11 0x01 Media Type
0x12 0x02 Padding
0x14 0x04 Unknown (always 0?)


Offset Length Description
0x000 0x018 Title Download Config
0x018 0x001 Unknown
0x019 0x001 Unknown
0x01A 0x006 Padding
0x020 0x008 Requester Title ID
0x028 0x090 Title Name (UTF-16)
0x0B8 0x002 Title Name Forced NUL Terminator (always 0)
0x0BA 0x048 Developer Name (UTF-16)
0x102 0x002 Developer Name Forced NUL Terminator (always 0)


Offset Length Description
0x000 0x104 Background Title Download Config
0x104 0x004 Padding
0x108 0x018 Title Download Progress


Offset Length Description
0x000 0x008 Task ID
0x008 0x008 Title ID
0x010 0x004 Title Version
0x014 0x014 Unknown
0x028 0x008 Required Storage Space
0x030 0x004 Last Operation Result code
0x034 0x004 Last Operation Customer Support Code
0x038 0x090 Title Name (UTF-16)
0x0C8 0x002 Title Name Forced NUL Terminator (always 0)
0x0CA 0x048 Developer Name (UTF-16)
0x112 0x002 Developer Name Forced NUL Terminator (always 0)
0x114 0x024 Unknown


Value Description
0 Initial Installation
1 Unknown
2 Unknown
3 Re-installation


Despite this being for debug purposes, it's used in retail if present.

Offset Length Description
0x000 0x004 Debug flags
0x004 0x004 Number of debug tasks in dbgtasks.dat
0x008 0x100 Debug URL dst.xml override

Autodbg flag bits

Bit Description
0 Use the tasks stored in dbgtasks.dat
1 Use provided debug dtl.xml URL override
2 Disable the download of dtl.xml
3 Skip connecting to SOAP EC and download ETickets with a false success result during TSL processing
4 Fake assume always ticket is present during TSL task condition processing
5 Skip NPNS notification fetch for auto title downloads with a false success result

Error Results

NIM Results

Result Description
0xE0E0D001 Non-null terminated string on IPC parameter for given length.
0xD960D004 Unexpected/invalid state enums. (generic)
0xC820D005 Invalid state under one managed title install manager.
0xD8A0D006 Error state enum value. (generic)
0xC920D009 Mismatch system title hash with server system title hash.
0xC860D00E Max total size exceeded for system update pending titles. (128 MiB)
0xC8E0D011 Bad condition, title id for purpose or size under one managed title install manager.
0xC8A0D027 This occurs under certain code paths.
  1. Result translation of result error from:
    • HTTP module
    • SSL module
    • NIM module if description is between 100 to 299 (inclusive)
  2. Unexpected HTTP status, followed up also by generating error integer with 54400 + http status, result value used as a 005-xxxx error
0xD960D02E During tsl.xml task condition check. Still unclear, type of task check
0xD960D030 During tsl.xml task condition check. Ticket missing for title when expected. Will not occur with autodbg flag bit 4 set.
0xD960D031 During tsl.xml task condition check. Title already installed when not overwrite mode.
0xD960D032 During tsl.xml task condition check. Task for title already exists with same or higher version in task.dat.
0xD960D033 During tsl.xml task condition check. Task for title already exists in task.dat.
0xD8E0D034 During tsl.xml task condition check. Unexpected task title type.
0xD960D035 During tsl.xml task condition check. Tsl.xml task will not be processed while max programmed maximum for tasks pending in task.dat is equal or exceeded. (10)
0xD960D037 Failed to load saved dtl.xml with result error of FS with description between 100 and 179, inclusive.
0xD960D038 During tsl.xml task condition check. Not enough space for target SDMC user title.
0xD8A0D03D During tsl.xml task condition check. SDMC not inserted or non-writable for SDMC title. (bad media status)
0xD960D03E During tsl.xml task condition check. Not enough space for target TWL user title.
0xD940D040 NIM ran into NPNS result 0xD8A15C07. Result translation.
0xD860D041 During tsl.xml task condition check. Pending task count of task.dat and installed SDMC user title count exceed programmed max. (300)
0xD860D042 During tsl.xml task condition check. Pending task count of task.dat and installed TWL user title count exceed programmed max. (40)
0xD880D043 HTTP 404 while fetching title crypto seed from kagiya.
0xD880D044 HTTP 503 while fetching title crypto seed from kagiya.

NPNS Results

NPNS has a module number for results, but no module exists, but can be at least in part found inside NIM.

Result Description
0xD8615C01 Allocation error, insufficient memory.
0xD8A15C02 HTTP non 2xx, json message processing, default error code switch result error.
0xD8A15C03 JSON processing errors.
0xD8A15C04 Notifications array bigger than expected.
0xD8A15C05 HTTP Empty body response.
0xD8A15C06 HTTP non 2xx, json message processing, error code 1003 given in json body.
0xD8A15C07 HTTP non 2xx, json message processing, error code 1000 given in json body.
0xD8A15C08 HTTP non 2xx, json message processing, error code 1004 given in json body.

Other Results

Any other result that is not given by other modules as a response, but found internally in NIM.

Result Module value Description
0xD8600801 Util (2) Encoding errors. In NIM, if error while encoding base64 for X-Authentication-Key or X-Authentication-Data HTTP parameters.