Difference between revisions of "FAQ"

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m (Certainly a FAQ by now sadly.)
(This page is completely useless.)
(8 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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'''Q:''' Any progress?
'''A:''' See latest news on the main page. If there's progress, it'll be right there.
'''Q:''' What about that "Japanese NAND d..."
'''A''' ...Fake. No, no, just stop right there. It was a fake. Someone rar'd up a bunch of random junk data and posted it to gbafail for April Fool's day. Fake.
'''Q''' But but they said it was encrypted and Japanese how do YOU know it might have been r...
'''A''' ...No! Shut up. Fake. RANDOM. GARBAGE. DATA.

Revision as of 19:00, 20 March 2016