Config Services

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Config services

Command Header Available since system version Description
0x00010082 GetConfigInfoBlk2
0x00020000 SecureInfoGetRegion
0x00030000 GenHashConsoleUnique
0x00040000 3.0.0-5 GetRegionCanadaUSA
0x00050000 5.0.0-11 GetSystemModel
0x00060000 6.0.0-11 GetModelNintendo2DS
0x00070040 7.0.0-13 (u8 val) This writes the input u8 to the first byte in the config-block for blkID 0x00160000.
0x00080080 7.0.0-13 (u32 value, u8 type) This goes through a table containing 5 entries, each entry is 2-words. Type0: compare entry-word0 with input value, on match write entry-word1 to cmdreply+8 output. Type1: compare entry-word1 with input value, on match write entry-word0 to output.
0x00090080 7.0.0-13 (u16 index, u16 value) This writes the specified value into the entry[inputindex], for the table with 0xBB entries listed below. The input index must be <0xBB.
0x000A0040 7.0.0-13 (u16 value) This goes through a table containing 0xBB entries. When an entry is found containing a 2-byte value matching the input 2-byte value, the u16 index is written to cmdreply+8. When no match was found, the output index is value 0xFF.

Config service "cfg:s"

Command Header Description
0x04010082 GetConfigInfoBlk8
0x04020082 SetConfigInfoBlk4
0x04030000 UpdateConfigNANDSavegame
0x04040042 GetLocalFriendCodeSeedData
0x04050000 GetLocalFriendCodeSeed
0x04060000 SecureInfoGetRegion
0x04070000 SecureInfoGetByte101
0x04080042 SecureInfoGetSerialNo
0x0409.... ?

CfgS command 0x04060000(SecureInfoGetRegion) is used by NIM module to determine the SOAP RegionId, when sending SOAP requests. See here.

Config service "cfg:i"

Command Header Description
0x04010082 GetConfigInfoBlk8
0x04020082 SetConfigInfoBlk4
0x04030000 UpdateConfigNANDSavegame
0x04040042 GetLocalFriendCodeSeedData
0x04050000 GetLocalFriendCodeSeed
0x04060000 SecureInfoGetRegion
0x08010082 GetConfigInfoBlk8
0x08020082 SetConfigInfoBlk4
0x08030000 UpdateConfigNANDSavegame
0x080F0042 GetLocalFriendCodeSeedData
0x08110084 SetSecureInfo
0x08140042 SecureInfoGetData
0x08150042 SecureInfoGetSignature
0x08160000 SecureInfoGetRegion

Config service "cfg:u"

This only handles the commands listed under the above "Config services", no additional commands.

Config NVRAM service "cfg:nor"

Command Header Description
0x00010040 Initialize
0x00020000 Shutdown
0x00050082 ReadData
0x00060082 WriteData

This is an interface for the "SPI::NOR" service, for accessing the Wifi NVRAM/SPI Flash.