BOSS Savegame

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This page describes the content of the BOSS sysmodule savegame.

The savegame contains 7 files and no directories



SS could stand for subscriptions

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Magic Number (0x12348000)

After an array of data chunks with a chunk size of 0xC00 follow. An index of this array seem to correspond to the data with same index in BOSS_SV.db


Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Magic Number (0x12348000)

After an array of data chunks with a chunk size of 0xC00 follow.

An index of this array seem to correspond to the data with same index in BOSS_SS.db

Data Chunk

Offset Size Description
0x00 16 Unknown
0x10 8 Title ID
0x18 8 Task ID (ASCII String)
0x20 8 Unknown
0x28 4 Intervall/Wait time until this task should be executed again (in seconds)
0x2C 4 Unknown
0x30 8 Timestamp. Seconds since year 2000 of the user setable time (RTC + user time offset). Time of the last successful download/execution of the task.

Task sprelay

Offset Size Description
0x288 4 Unknown
0x28C 4 Padding?
0x290 8 Timestamp. Seconds since year 2000 of the RTC (no user time offset). Time of the last successful download of StreetPass Relay data.
0x298 4 (?) Intervall/Wait time (in seconds) until the same access point (defined by its MAC address) will be used again.
0x29C 4 Number of items in the visited access points list
0x2A0 ? Visited Access Points List

Visited Access Points List Entry

Offset Size Description
0x2A0 8 MAC address of access point
0x2A8 4 Timestamp. Seconds since year 2000 of the RTC (no user time offset). Time of the last download from this access point.
0x2AC 4 Padding?

The last entry of this list should have the same timestamp as the timestamp at offset 0x290.



